Common questions about a healing session and how a session unfolds with Kathleen
· All of my healing work is conducted with my helping spirits and the helping spirits of whom I is assisting. It is through this connection that healing, transformation, channeled messages and divination unfolds. All that transpires is guided by spirit in divine timing for the best and highest good of those seeking assistance. We are free to have specific intentions, but it is our helpings spirits that are the healers. I am the bridge between the divine spirit realms and those seeking assistance. · ​

Why you might
desire a
healing session
Common reasons people give for requesting a session:
Desire assistance in healing trauma
They don't feel "like themselves"
They have chronic pain that doctors can't diagnose
Trouble sleeping
They feel like something is missing
Desire to connect with the ancestors for ancestral healing
Assistance helping someone cross over at end of life
They would like to know who their power animal or one of their primary helping spirits is
Seek assistance in finding the "root" cause of a situation or state of being
Feeling cursed
To name a few...
Soul retrieval
Removal of adverse energy
Spirit/Power Animal retrieval
Assistance with trauma, PTSD, addiction
Assistance with anxiety / depression
Ancestor connection / ancestral healing
Past life healing from something interfering in your present life
Healing wounds (inner child, ancestral, relationship)
Heart Centered Depossession
Psychopomp - Assist deceased (spirits) that have not crossed over
Soul remembering
Guidance from client's spirit allies
Curse removal
Healings that may occur during a healing session
Every session includes a consultation, clearing, balancing, and aligning of energy systems. This allows the client to receive the healing more easily.
Each session closes with information on how to integrate the healing received and information of self-care.
Sessions are offered in-person in Yarmouth, ME or virtually world-wide.
Sessions are conducted in-person, via Zoom or by phone at the client's discretion. Healing sessions are Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, if you need to make a different arrangement, I am happy to accommodate you.
To schedule a healing session or free consultation, please fill in the form at the right or go to bookings in the menu. Thank you!
Request a few consultation, arrange for a private session, inquire about something else.