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Introduction to Shamanism and Learn to Journey
In-person and virtual offerings 

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This course introduces you to the foundations of shamanism. Through the practice of the shamanic journey, you will traverse the hidden realms to connect with your spirit allies to receive guidance, support, and healing. Participants will encounter their spirit helpers in the lower, middle and upper worlds. Participants will journey for a partner on the second day (often our students most profound experience) 

We currently have 2 in-person offerings remaining in 2024, find the details here. This course also fulfills the prerequisite to our shamanic apprenticeship, our 4th apprenticeship will be offered again in 2025.

Frequently Asked Questions &  What you will learn in this workshop:

What is shamanism?

Many indigenous cultures have a shaman or medicine man or woman, who heals and maintains the balance and well being of individuals and their community. Our modern-day cultures generally do not have shamans. There are shamanic practitioners who have been trained to support the healing and spiritual expansion of people, animals, the waters, trees and all aspects of Mother Earth.

Shamanism, with its tools and practices, give us a path to be connected to the greater powers, energies and forces that are identified as spirit, oneness, light, love, the universe, great mystery, divine source, god and many other names. These practices, and this deep relationship with divine source, is available to all. This practice requires no special gifts and no certification. 


What is a shamanic journey?

The journey is the practice that allows us to connect with other realities, the hidden realms, spirit. It is similar to a deep meditation with the addition two important components. First we hold an intention/question/issue as we journey. Our intention is about asking for healing or guidance for yourself, others, community or Mother Earth. In the journey we connect with spirit. The second important aspect of a journey is to be accompanied by a helping spirit or power animal. These are loving, compassionate, benevolent aspects of spirit/god/oneness. You will meet at least one helping spirit in this workshop.


In the shamanic journey, some people see images and "hear" words. Others will sense or feel the energy and guidance. The journey is often done with the steady, fast rhythm of a drum or rattles which brings us to a deeper state of consciousness. 


The practice of shamanism can deepen your connection to spirit in all things. It will support your personal healing and expansion. It will give you the knowledge and tools to perform healing practices for yourself, other people, and all of Mother Earth.


What will you learn in this workshop?

  • The history of shamanism and core shamanism practices

  • The common elements of shamanic cultures around the world

  • The practice of journeying

  • Ways that spirit may "speak" to us, teach and guide us

  • Meet a power animal and a helping spirit that you will work with in your practice

  • How to create an intention/question to bring to spirit

  • Information about tools to support your practice: drums, rattles and more

  • Creating an altar

  • Creating sacred space 

  • Connecting with spirit in the world around us, all beings, the elements

  • How to integrate and honor your guidance, healing and expansion 


Who might be interested?

This workshop will give you tools and insights to support whatever your spiritual practice may be. This is a very experiential workshop. You will do several journeys and meet one or two helping spirits. We build in time for questions and discussion so that you can come to a place of comfort and confidence in this practice. 


Why you might feel drawn to explore shamanism:

  • You have have had an experience of journeying already and want to continue to build this practice. 

  • You're not sure but you are following an inner guidance or whisper.

  • You might have a healing practice and want to enhance your work with a shamanic practice.

  • You may have had a session(s) with a shamanic practitioner and you are drawn to doing this work for yourself or others.

  • You might have a sense that this practice is consistent with the intuitive and connected ways that you had at an earlier time in your life, maybe back in your childhood days. And, you may feel ready to revisit and embrace that inner wisdom.

  • You are seeking like-minded, like-hearted people, fellow explorers of the spirit and soul.

  • There are hundreds of other reasons why you might want to take this workshop. We honor all of them and look forward to hearing each of your stories.


Will I need a drum or rattle for this workshop?

No, you don't need either. We have some drums and many rattles to share. If you continue this practice you will most likely want your own drum and rattles. In the workshop we will discuss various kinds of drums that you might want to acquire or to make.



Kathleen Duggan and Nancy MacPhee will be your teachers. We create a sacred and safe space for all to lean and grow in this practice. This practice has supported both of us in our own healing paths and we are inspired and honored to share these concepts, tools and ways of being, in order to empower you in your own unique journeys. We are always open to having a conversation with you if you would like more information.


Please visit our workshop page for information on Introduction to Shamanism workshops coming up.


Questions? Contact us:


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